Our Team

Nobody Knows Nonprofit Executive
Search Like The Batten Group

The Batten Group offers our clients decades of experience serving nonprofit, healthcare, higher education and mission-based organizations. We are recognized as experts in both talent and organizational dynamics. Our understanding of the critical relationship between the two is paramount to our effectiveness.

Jim Batten
Jim BattenFounder & President
(704) 841-2099
David Batten
David BattenDirector, Business Operations
(704) 651-8357
Philip Batten
Philip BattenDirector, Research & Talent Acquisition
(704) 651-7201
Peggy Reimann
Peggy ReimannSenior Executive Recruiter
(704) 517-8502​
Robert Driver
Robert DriverSenior Executive Recruiter
(217) 418-7345
Cathy Chisholm
Cathy ChisholmSearch Consultant
(832) 326-8802
Maureen Flynn
Maureen FlynnDirector, Marketing
(908) 381-8016