Chief Scientific Officer Search

The Batten Group is uniquely qualified to conduct a search for a Chief Scientific Officer for your organization. We have successfully placed leaders across a great range of health, research, scientific, and other related organizations.  

Our team undergoes performs a targeted search to find your organization the best talent. We go the extra mile following a dedicated methodology for skill validation, work experience, and culture fit for your organization. With our proven processes and guaranteed results, we are highly effective at successfully presenting an exceptional pool of candidates to your organization. Our goal is to create the most comprehensive and compelling national search on behalf of your organization and your need to recruit a Chief Scientific Officer to partner with all stakeholders and take the organization to the next level. 

We reach beyond our clients’ usual circles to identify outstanding candidates in a process that moves smoothly and quickly. The competition for top candidates for a Chief Scientific Officer is intense and working with The Batten Group will take 95% of the risk out of your hire. 

Contact us to help you recruit top talent to your organization.