Everyone’s putting out their list for how to Work From Home.
Here is our list for Leaders:
- Reconnect with your purpose. If others call you their leader, then this is your time.
- Adjust your expectations. Especially in these early days, you WILL NOT be as efficient as you were two weeks ago. Accept it and carry on.
- Be intentionally patient. With yourself and everyone around you (i.e. your spouse, kids). Others have their own stress-induced frustrations and your patience can help them.
- Focus. Pause quietly, and get clear on THREE THINGS that, if accomplished, will make the day a success. Write them out and keep them in front of you throughout the day.
- Exercise. Whatever it takes. How you are doing physically directly impacts your mental and emotional capacities.
- Care for your people. Don’t wait for them to tell you. Ask them, with genuine interest, how they are doing.
- Get a different perspective. Talk to a friend outside your company or industry to hear how they see things.
- Plan something fun. The news and circumstances are a total downer. Counterbalance and levity.
This is your time. Lead well.