
  • Compensation

Compensation Best Practices

January 9th, 2019|

Compensation Best Practices surveyed 7,100 HR professionals and business leaders for the 2018 Compensation Best Practices Report. Read this report to understand how compensation and pay philosophy can affect hiring in 2019. [...]

  • Conduct Better Interviews

How to Conduct Better Interviews

September 13th, 2018|

Interviewing is a two-way street. Both the organization and the candidate need to be prepared to make a good impression. Let's look at how to conduct better interviews. For the Organization: An interview is [...]

Learn from Amazon’s Culture of Failure

January 3rd, 2018|

Mistakes are where learning comes from… and learning is a key tool for growth. The business world loves talking about’s culture of embracing mistakes. Being totally cool with failure is a key element [...]

  • Does your office scare away top nonprofit talent

Does Your Office Scare Away Top Talent?

August 2nd, 2017|

Perhaps you've experienced a really great phone interview with a top performer that you just knew you were going to get to come join your organization, only to find out after the final interview and [...]

  • 3 keys to keep non profit talent

Retain Champions! 3 Keys to Keep Top Non-Profit Talent

August 2nd, 2017|

Re-examine your recruitment strategy Sometimes the key to retaining is having a good fit in the first place. Avoid the square peg round hole syndrome by partnering with professionals that know your specific nonprofit space. [...]

  • Are you paid what you are worth?

Are You Paid What You Are Worth? Non-Profit Compensation Statistics

August 2nd, 2017|

Looking to find out what Executive Directors and CEOs of top non-profits earn? You’ve come to the right place. The Batten Group places non-profit executives in positions all over the United States. Typically, those in [...]

  • 4 critical compensation parameters to know in 2017

4 Critical Compensation Parameters Non-Profits Must Know in 2017  

August 2nd, 2017|

Maintain an Independent Compensation Committee on the Board Running a large non-profit is complex. Due to that complexity, The Batten Group, believes you have to pay fair market value in order to get the best [...]

  • 7 Key Sustainability Drivers in Non-Profits

7 Key Drivers of Sustainability in Non-Profits

August 2nd, 2017|

Money! Without money, there is no mission and there is no team. Fundraising and development have to be run by the best and the brightest team members. Fundraising activities should also be viewed as a [...]

  • Best Leadership Advice for Non-Profits

The Best Leadership Advice I Ever Received for Non-Profits

August 2nd, 2017|

I’ve collected a lot of wisdom over the decades spent in executive leadership for non-profits and now near a decade in placing high-level talent for executive positions in non-profits. One of the best pieces of [...]

3 Technology Platforms Non-Profits Need For The Future

August 2nd, 2017|

Peer to Peer (P2P) Digital Fundraising Platforms If non-profits want to maximize the impact of their very best constituents and fundraising teams, they must enable them with their own fundraising microsite. These landing page websites [...]

9 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Process

December 5th, 2016|

One of the most important ongoing tasks you'll have as a business leader is hiring. It's not easy, it's a time-consuming process with monetary and reputational consequences if you make a bad hire. Taking the [...]

3 Ways to Perform Better Under Pressure

November 1st, 2016|

How to Prepare Yourself to Give the Performance of Your Life  It's a Mental Game -- What separates good athletes from extraordinary athletes is often their ability to perform in high pressure situations. "The key difference [...]

How to Lose Your Best Employees in 10 Easy Steps

September 17th, 2015|

What could be more essential to organizational success and the bottom line than talent? Yet many of the people in our employ continue to be marginalized and neglected, oftent taking a backseat to the various [...]

Become A Leader People Want To Work For: 5 Key Traits

July 14th, 2015|

Are you a great leader? There are five key traits to a great leader: 1. Vision 2. Passion 3. Decision Making Abilities 4. Team Building Skills 5. Character Key Trait #1: You must have a [...]

Counter Offer — Just Don’t Take It!

June 10th, 2015|

Counteroffer - Road to Career Ruin Picture this scenario: After working several years for your current company, you feel your job has become stagnant. The working conditions have declined, or were never what you expected, [...]

Effective Delegation in Three Simple Steps

February 19th, 2015|

Effective Delegation in Three Simple Steps Delegation isn’t a do-it and forget-it action. “Very rarely can you have one conversation and hand somebody a project, and then boom, it magically appears exactly as you expected,” [...]

“Plan A” For Growing Future Leaders

August 25th, 2014|

"Plan A" For Growing Future Leaders: A Five Step Process While resource constraints are one challenge most nonprofits face, the biggest obstacle to improved leadership development may be the behavior of leaders. Many nonprofit leaders [...]

Seven Traits of Great Leaders

July 1st, 2014|

Seven Traits of Great Leaders Great leaders identify, cultivate, and inspire enthusiastic followers. Some people are successful but are not leaders. They work best on their own and enrich themselves. Great leaders enlist the cooperation, [...]

5 Hiring Lessons From March Madness

March 1st, 2014|

Evaluate candidates using these basketball analogies: Initial Cuts: Teams are cut form the tournament because of their record. When screening applicants, hold the same philosophy. We advise our clients to have one or two deal breakers [...]