
25 Ways To Spot A Leader You Can Trust

February 1st, 2014|

Before everything else, determine if people are trustworthy. But, what if time is short and schedules full? How can you quickly spot someone you can trust? Leaders you can trust: ​​Acknowledge they don't know. Treat waiters [...]

Ten Technologies Used by Charitable Organizations in Innovative Ways:

December 1st, 2013|

Technology for Good identifies ten technologies being used by charitable organizations in innovative ways. The report briefly introduces each technology and provides examples of how those technologies are being used. In determining the top ten trends, we chose [...]

Back to Basics Gets Results

August 1st, 2013|

The most successful executive search consultants are part salesman, career counselor, consultant, advisor, fact finder, archaeologist, and psychiatrist. They are balanced in their advice. They present both sides of the story, ask candidates a multitude [...]

Employers Say Bad Hires Negatively Affected Business Last Year

June 1st, 2013|

New research reveals that 66 percent of U.S. employers experience losses in business last year due to bad hires. But according to the survey of more than 6,000 hiring professionals worldwide, bad hires - individuals who [...]

March Madness Leadership Lessons

March 1st, 2013|

"March Madness" is upon us. Over a few weeks, millions will watch the nation's top college basketball teams compete to become the 2013 NCAA champion. As you watch the tournament this year, consider the way [...]

The Secret of Leadership in 5 Letters

February 1st, 2013|

The Secret of leadership in five letters: S  E  R  V  E (from Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller) S is for See the future: envision and communication a compelling picture of a preferred future. What do I want to be [...]

7 Reasons Why December is a Powerful Time to Recruit

December 1st, 2012|

Recruiting targets have ample free time in December. Many employees and even customers take time off during this month and many projects seem to be put on hold. With teammates taking time off for vacation or [...]